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I am interested in SKU 938. Can you give me the tongue thickness and the distance from the tongue to the bottom of the V groove?
Tongue is 1/4" x 3/8" deep. It is 9/64" from top of tongue to bottom of V.
SKU 938 is considerably more expensive. Why is that? More cutters? Better quality carbide? I think SKU 938 is the cutter set for me, but I want to make sure. Thank you.
938 has a 1/4" wide by 3/8" depth tongue whereas SC640 and SC642 have 7/32" wide and deep tongues. The prices have more to do with volume and the fewer we manufacture the greater the cost of manufacturing.
What is the distance from the top of the tongue to the start of the v. I only want a very small v in the flooring.
The depth of the V is about 3/16". Depending on the size of your material, you should be able to just raise or lower to get the portion that you are looking for. A shallower V would just mean more material at the bottom of the profile. Make sure that you choose the correct cutter based upon the thickness of your stock.
Do you produce t&g with V shaper cutters for 1 1/4 " shaft shapers,
Sorry. They are only available in 3/4" bore.
I need a shaper bit to make v grooved tounge and groove for 3/4 " boards with a 1/2" hole mount confused how to find that
Any of the 3/4" bore shaper cutters will include bushings to change to 1/2" bore. Any of these cutters will work for 3/4" material. SC642 would result in a shallower V groove in 3/4" material.
Do you have T&G Shaper Cutters for 2"X6" boards?
Due to the many requests, we are working on one but it will not be available until early 2023.